South Florida under Zika Virus Warning
According to the Florida Department of Health, in addition to 336 travel related ZIKA infections there has been 15 non-travel related infections reported (55 of those cases were pregnant women).
The agency is conducting an investigation in the Miami-Dade County area. They seek to identify more cases, and causing conditions for the spread.
Until now the Zika virus had been aggressively spreading in Brazil and the Caribbean. Brazil alone has reported more than 1,000 babies born with Microcephaly caused by the virus.
The incubation process for the Zika virus can take about 2 weeks and in many patients symptoms can go undetected or have a mild effect and can last for about a weeks.
Some of the reported symptoms include ;
Sudden fevers & headache
Skin rash & conjunctivitis
Muscle & Joint pain
These symptoms have also been reported with other mosquito spread infections like; dengue and chikungunya. Zika virus can be detected through a blood test for about a week or so.
People who have recently traveled to the infected areas, especially pregnant women, are highly encouraged to see a doctor and get tested. Recently President Obama made a direct call for Zika awareness to Puerto Rico and US Nation. He emphasized on the importance of getting everyone involved with containing the spread of the Zika virus. Part of the collective shared by POTUS and the Center for Disease Control to contain the spread around homes and neighborhood included;
Eliminate any standing water where mosquitos can lay eggs
Identify effective insecticides
Monitor mosquito control
Report any cases
Seek medical help
Although symptoms can be treated, at this time Zika virus has not determined medications. Here are some suggestions from the Center for Disease Control;
Avoid fatigue, get rest.
Hydrate with plenty of fluids and replace electrolytes
Acetaminophen and Paracetamol are recommended
Until doctor review avoid aspiring or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication
In order to protect yourself and others, if you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned here seek doctor care.